A Healthier and Longer Life
You can receive the vitamin, mineral and antioxidant support your body needs with our IV therapy applications and have a strong immune system with our supportive ozone therapy.
VB Perfect Rise
Weakness, fatigue, joint pain, seasonal flu, colds…
It is possible now to get rid of all these complaints quickly.
With our “VB Perfect Rise” IV therapy application, which consists of electrolytes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, you can quickly reach the energy and healing your body needs.
Get rid of diseases and witness the perfect rise of your body with our “VB Perfect Rise” IV therapy application provided by our experienced team.

VB Aqua Potential
Water is life. How aware are we of the power of water? Water makes up about 60% of the human body. For a healthy life, the amount of fluid removed from the body should not be more than the amount of fluid taken.
“VB Aqua Potential” IV therapy for quickly regaining the amount of water and minerals lost by your body after strenuous sports training, hot weather, sunstroke.
VB Perfect Refresh
What kind of way do you follow to get rid of hangover effects quickly in the morning after a fun night? A relaxing shower, a cup of coffee or a solid breakfast…
There is one more way. Would you like to get rid of hangover effects quickly and start the new day in a refreshed way with our “VB Perfect Refresh” IV therapy application?
We are glad to introduce our “VB Perfect Refresh” IV therapy application, which will be made by our experienced team members at your home / office or hotel environment.
VB Deep Shine

Antioxidant production mechanism of the body regresses and even comes to a halt in cases such as aging, fatigue, stress, insomnia, and illnesses.
The decrease in antioxidant production reveals the effects of aging, causing a decline in body resistance, an increase in the effects of fatigue and illness, and a pale and lifeless skin.
You can safely experience our “VB Deep Shine” IV therapy application for reactivate the body’s Antioxidant production mechanism, to get rid of the poor skin appearance and to capture the body’s resistance with an anti-aging effect as well as lively, bright and smooth state of your skin.VB Vita Bombarda
A great formula that will allow you to get rid of the jetlag effects that occur as a precautionary measure before and after your tiring and exhausting travels, to increase your energy and attention in your busy work tempo, to get rid of the negative effects of your sleep problems, to get healing boost and get rid of illnesses…
Thanks to the high dose of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other components in its content, you can reach the strongest, healthiest and most perfect state of your body with our signature IV therapy application “VB Vita Bombarda”.

Ozone therapy
Ozone therapy is a method that has a wide range of therapeutic effects. In therapeutic concentrations, ozone has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic effect.
The main objective of the method is to improve blood flow in small vessels (capillaries), as well as supply cells with oxygen. Ozone reacts with fatty acids found in the membranes of erythrocyte cells. Peroxides are formed – quickly reacting chemical compounds necessary for the connection of oxygen in the blood. Therefore, ozone therapy promotes the absorption of oxygen, improves blood flow and oxygen supply to organs.
Ozone therapy is easy to use, highly effective, well tolerated – even pregnant women can resort to its help. Ozone can be injected into the body subcutaneously, intravenously, intraarticularly, intracavitary.
Indications for treatment with Ozone Therapy are:
• diseases associated with impaired peripheral arterial circulation, and the resulting conditions associated with oxygen deficiency: atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the heart and brain, abnormal blood pressure, and others.
• diseases caused by infection (bacterial, viral or fungal): pneumonia, bronchitis, SARS, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, STDs and others. The use of ozone therapy will alleviate the course of the disease and reduce its duration.
• diseases associated with a violation of the human immune system: chronic fatigue syndrome, allergic reactions.
• diseases associated with impaired carbohydrate and fat metabolism: obesity, diabetes mellitus, etc.
• cosmetology and dermatology: improvement of microcirculation and skin color, treatment of acne, cellulite, fight against skin wrinkles, eczema, etc.
Ozone therapy in cosmetology
Ozone therapy is widely used in cosmetology. The purpose of using ozone therapy in this case can be:
• skin stretch marks treatment. In this case, the process of ozone therapy is aimed at improving the subcutaneous adipose tissue. This happens due to the ability of ozone to restore microcirculation, stimulate oxidative and reduction processes in the body. Ozone also improves the energy supply to the cells, allowing the cells to revive, helping to dissolve and fade stretch marks.
Ozone therapy has proven itself as a means of combating postpartum stretch marks, which are the most difficult to treat.
• reduction of wrinkles on the face. Ozone revitalizes the cells, therefore, after its introduction into the skin, the metabolism of cells in the skin instantly improves, they begin to renew, regenerate, and the skin, accordingly, smoothes and rejuvenates.

• treatment with ozone therapy for problem skin. Ozone therapy is a remedy for acne. The effect is achieved due to the lipolytic action of ozone. The secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases, and the bactericidal property of ozone helps to relieve inflammation and accelerate healing. With ozone therapy, the plasticity of red blood cells increases, which helps them penetrate into small capillaries, stimulate the production of diphosphoglycerate, which is responsible for the release of oxygen in tissues. Due to this, microcirculation and cell nutrition are improved.
• elimination of cellulite or excess fat (in this case, ozone must be injected subcutaneously – injection subcutaneous ozone therapy).
Experts recommend a systemic approach to the treatment of skin problems. This approach involves the restoration of the whole organism as a whole, the creation of one’s own forces to fight the diseases of the body. To achieve an excellent result, it is necessary to conduct several courses of treatment.
Contraindications to ozone therapy
This type of therapy is strictly contraindicated in:
• bleeding of various nature,
• acute myocardial infarction,
• acute cerebrovascular accident,
• hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function),
• hypoglycemia (low blood sugar),
• acute pancreatitis,
• acute alcoholic psychosis,
• thrombocytopenia,
• convulsive syndrome.
Mesotherapy in neurology
Mesotherapy is a method of administering medicines intradermally in very low doses, both locally (in the affected area) and at a distance from the affected area, in order to obtain a pharmacological effect, as well as the effect of physical stimulation.

Mesotherapy in neurology is an innovative technique that has replaced conventional intravenous injections and droppers – using special needles, the doctor injects drugs under the skin to a depth of 0.5-4 mm.
A certain depth of administration and a targeted action on a certain area provide a “depot” (accumulation) of the drug, its slow resorption, and, consequently, a long-term effect of the drug on the patient’s body and a stable therapeutic effect.
The drugs are administered in small doses.
The therapeutic effect of mesotherapy develops gradually, but lasts longer than with conventional methods of drug administration.
The main differences of mesotherapy
The mesotherapeutic route of administration provides greater bioavailability and less toxicity of drugs, subsequent injections are prescribed no earlier than after 7 days. Thus, there is no need to inject drugs into a vein daily or take pills. With the mesotherapeutic method of administration, systemic effects (side effects on the entire body) are almost completely absent.
Neurological diseases quite often require the introduction into the body of special drugs that ensure the functioning of blood vessels, nutritional and analgesic drugs, and drugs that have a sedative effect. The doctor at the appointment determines which drugs the patient needs, with what frequency and in what quantity the procedures should be carried out.
Indications for mesotherapy in neurology:
• osteochondrosis and spondyloarthrosis
• intervertebral disc damage
• pathology of muscles and ligamentous apparatus
• headaches, including vertebrogenic (against the background of cervical osteochondrosis)
• chronic disorders of cerebral circulation

• neurotic disorders, sleep disorders.
Before carrying out mesotherapy, it is necessary to undergo an examination and examination by a neurologist, who should reveal the absence of contraindications to the treatment course of mesotherapy.
Contraindications to mesotherapy:
• skin damage in the affected area
• individual intolerance to drugs or injections
• inflammatory diseases of the internal organs
• pregnancy
• tendency to form keloid scars
• tumors
• acute purulent processes
Features of mesotherapy
Aspirin and other drugs that reduce blood clotting should not be taken 2 days before and after the procedure.
After the procedure, it is not recommended to sunbathe, take baths, go to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium for 2-3 days. It is not recommended to combine mesotherapy with physiotherapy and massage.
Compliance with these requirements will allow the drug introduced into the intradermal layer to work properly and provide the necessary therapeutic effect.
Hair Mesotherapy
What is hair mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy for hair is a modern technique aimed at improving the skin of the scalp.
Injection mesotherapy is the introduction of various beneficial substances into the middle layers of the skin, delivering the required amount directly to the hair follicles.
With complex treatment, this method allows you to quickly and efficiently solve existing problems of the scalp, stop hair loss, activate growth, restore and improve the condition of the hair along the entire length.
Hair mesotherapy, indications for the procedure
Hair mesotherapy is recommended in the following clinical cases:
• focal hair loss;
• damaged hair after childbirth and breastfeeding;
• with aesthetic shortcomings: brittleness and dryness of hair, split ends, etc.;
• increased sensitivity of the scalp;
• the presence of dandruff;
• excessive work of the sebaceous glands;
• early graying;
• diseases associated with the scalp (specialist consultation required).
The effect of the procedure
Injection mesotherapy has a cumulative and long-term effect. The result after the course of procedures will be as follows:
• improvement of the scalp;
• improving the structure and quality of strands along the entire length;
• getting rid of the problem of hair loss and activating their growth.

How is head mesotherapy performed?
The main stages of the procedure:
• examination and questioning of a dermatologist-cosmetologist (you need to know if mesotherapy of the scalp was done before, if there are chronic diseases and indications for the procedure);
• preparation for the procedure, individual selection of drugs, “vitamin cocktails” for each patient;
• the process of injecting the necessary drug and the final treatment of the scalp.
Head mesotherapy: how many procedures are needed?
For maximum effectiveness of mesotherapy of the scalp, it is necessary to undergo a course of 7-10 procedures with a frequency of 1 time per week. The effect has cumulative properties, manifests itself gradually and lasts for a period of 6 months to 1.5 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Mesotherapy for hair growth: vitamin cocktails
A special set of vitamins and health-improving substances prevent hair loss and stimulate the active growth of new hairs, significantly improving their aesthetic appearance.
How mesotherapy works for hair growth:
By improving blood microcirculation, the growth of new hairs is activated. In turn, penetrating directly to the follicles, nutrients, vitamins and extracts saturate the hair from the inside, prolonging the hair growth phase, as well as increasing their density and density.
Mesotherapy for hair growth: vitamin cocktails
A special set of vitamins and health-improving substances prevent hair loss and stimulate the active growth of new hairs, significantly improving their aesthetic appearance.
How mesotherapy works for hair growth:
By improving blood microcirculation, the growth of new hairs is activated. In turn, penetrating directly to the follicles, nutrients, vitamins and extracts saturate the hair from the inside, prolonging the hair growth phase, as well as increasing their density and density.
Mesotherapy for hair growth: what are the benefits?
The composition of the preparations for the procedure combines useful substances of different origin:
• Vitamins of various groups.
• Useful trace elements.
• Acids of organic origin.
• Extracts of animal origin and medicinal plants.
• Medications.
Mesotherapy for hair loss – an effective treatment
Mesotherapy for hair loss is effective for both women and men of any age. In combination with complex treatment, the procedure can solve the problem of not only diffuse hair loss, but also other possible causes of hair loss.
How does mesotherapy for hair loss work?
The procedure deals with problems in three main directions at once:
• increases blood circulation;
• saturates the bulbs with medicinal substances;
• fights hormonal imbalance in the hair follicle.
Results of mesotherapy for hair loss
As a result of the use of mesotherapy for hair loss, the scalp receives a huge incentive to improve, the process of stopping hair loss is started and the process of their further growth is restored.
Facial Mesotherapy
Facial mesotherapy is the introduction of biologically active substances into problem areas of the facial skin. These substances correct skin defects, and they do it quite effectively, so that mesotherapy is very popular with modern cosmetologists.
Facial mesotherapy is indicated in the following cases:
• Prevention of facial skin aging;
• Fine wrinkles and other signs of skin aging;
• Atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars;
• Porous and oily skin;
• Couperose;
• Acne exacerbation;
• Alopecia;

• Preparation for mechanical or chemical peeling, or laser resurfacing, as well as recovery after these procedures.
PRP: Stem Cell
Cell Therapy
Unfortunately, despite the achievements of modern medicine, we have not stopped getting sick. On the contrary, the modern rhythm of life, environmental problems, stress, numerous new infections and traumatic life in modern megacities make us more and more vulnerable.
In search of new methods for the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries, scientists have discovered an effective and revolutionary way to treat and rehabilitate the body. Its name is cell therapy, the cornerstones of which are stem cells, cells of the stromal-vascular fraction of adipose tissue.
How Stem Cells work
Stem cells are in the body of every person, just with age their number noticeably decreases. How to replenish their number in order to eliminate damage to tissues and organs?

Stem cells are isolated from the biomaterial of the patient and injected into the body. Once in the human body, “smart” stem cells themselves find foci of damage, attach themselves to the remaining healthy tissue cells and begin to divide, replacing diseased cells with fully functional ones.
The result of the work of stem cells, of course, depends on the state of the patient’s body, the severity and duration of the disease and other factors, but it is already clear that the use of stem cells in one way or another always leads to positive dynamics in the patient’s state of health.
Even if the patient has very severe ailments, it is quite possible to achieve a significant improvement and improve the quality of life.
Remember, the sooner treatment is started, the more impressive results you can achieve!
Cell Therapy. Stages of treatment
Astramedica offers simple, effective and safe treatment of a wide range of serious diseases using Stem Cell Therapy techniques.
Contraindications for treatment with cellular technologies:
• oncological process,
• HIV infection,
• pregnancy.
The whole treatment process consists of only two or three visits with an interval of 2 months. Six months after the last procedure, the results of treatment can be evaluated. Agree, it sounds implausible, but the treatment is really carried out on an outpatient basis, and after each procedure the patient can go home.
What Diseases Can Stem Cell Therapy Treat?
Cellular therapy is used in the treatment of a large number of ailments, including very serious ones. Among them are:
• heart attack and stroke,
• diabetes mellitus and its complications – retinopathy and diabetic foot syndrome,
• multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy,
• arthritis, arthrosis,
• dilated cardiomyopathy,
• coronary heart disease,
• fatty liver,
• chronic renal failure,
• cirrhosis,
• Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease,
• Down’s syndrome ,
• anemia of various origins,
• atherosclerosis,
• reproductive disorders in men and women,
• post-traumatic rehabilitation, including after traumatic brain injury,
• neuropathy, paralysis,
• recovery from burns, injuries and scars,
• chronic fatigue syndrome
• and many others
In addition, the revitalization procedure using stem cells allows you to renew the cellular composition of tissues and organs of the body, improving the quality of life, giving a person strength and energy

Duration of treatment
3-4 Hours


Stay in Istanbul
6 Days

Socially acceptable
7-8 Days
Benefits of choosing AstraMedicaGroup
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